Pipeline Safety Training

For contractors to work within DUSUP’s NOC Zone, relevant team members (site foreman and site engineer as a minimum) are required to partake in DUSUP’s Pipeline Safety Training. Contractors are prohibited to work within DUSUP’s NOC Zone without a team member having undertaken the safety training and obtained a Pipeline Safe Supervisor Card. Personnel that have undertaken the Pipeline Safety Training and have obtained the Pipeline Safe Supervisor Card are required to be at the work location at all times when contractor is working within DUSUP’s NOC zone.

The digital Pipeline Safe Supervisor Card must be carried by the trained team members at all times(i.e., on a mobile phone) while working within DUSUP’s NOC Zone, and the DUSUP Pipeline Representatives reserve the right to view the Pipeline Safe Supervisor Cards at any time during the work. Upon failure to produce the Pipeline Safe Supervisor Cards, the Pipeline Representative will request the contractor to safely stop all the work being conducted, and personnel will be removed from the area until proof of Pipeline Safety Training can be provided. If no Pipeline Safe Supervisor Cards can be provided, Pipeline Representative shall direct contractor to undertake the Pipeline Safety Training.

To organise the Pipeline Safety Training session, contractor shall fill in the Online Training Spreadsheet and send the spreadsheet, along with Emirates ID scan copies and approved NOC copy, to DUSUP on DUSUP-NOC@dusup.ae. Training sessions are held via DUSUP’s training portal and can be undertaken at any time.

It is recommended that contractors read the following safety booklets to ensure that risks associated with working in the vicinity of a Hydrocarbon containing Pipeline are understood: